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Best Video Calling App for Android Phone Will Help You to be Closer When you are Away



Best Video Calling App for Android Phone
Photo: FlixExpo

The world has turned into a global village due to advancement in technology that whether you are living away from your loved ones for either education or work, you are always cone ted with them. How, through innovations. There are so many apps which can be downloaded on your android and you can talk face to face with your loved ones at any occasion or any time of the day.

Best Video Calling App for Android Phone

Several apps have been launched with all of team claiming to be the best video calling app for android phones. But, only some of the apps fulfill the criteria of being the best. The following are some of the best video calling app for android phones, with distinctive features and video and voice clarity.



This is the app launched by Google themselves and is mostly available in most of the Google compatible phones. It has become the official SMS caster for Google. One can have video calling as well group video calls along with messaging, picture sending, unique emoji sending and just voice messages. Install from here.


SkypeThis is an app which needs no introduction. It has been in the market for years. It has improved greatly now with improved video and voice clarity. But it requires one to make an account and then use it, so it does not have the option of automatically saving all the contact numbers and using the Phonebook to video call. You can install it from here.


ViberAnother famous video calling app. It has the feature of automatically syncing with the phonebook of the mobile phones and those contacts who have installed the app can easily talk on video calls and group video calls. It has the latest cute and attractive emojis. Install viber from here.


IMO is also a video calling app. It has a clear picture quality and audio clarity. The features are the same with messaging and picture sending. It also has the option sending and receiving files. It also syncs with the phonebook. Download and install from the link.

Alex Joe is a content marketer & journalist who formerly worked out of Digital Expo Inc. office. He writes eBooks, which considering where you’re reading this, makes really perfect sense from his kin. He’s best known for writing entertainment, enterprise & gadget, including the New York Times.

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